Tuesday, November 10, 2009

some various new things

I will have my piece, "topside" at the Strychnin Gallery, as part of their group show, Magistrates. Kind of gave me a reason to paint that sketch I posted fairly recently. The show opens November 13th, and runs until December 6th, in Berlin, Germany.

A little closer to home, I'll be gladly attending IlluXcon2. Just check out that guest list of artists. That runs from Nov.12- Nov. 15th in Altoona, PA.

An ink sketch, that I brought into the computer to play around with. Still struggling with those inks -any tips are more than welcome!

And of course some of my usual young adult work :)

Oxford University Press
"Ronia , the Robber's Daughter"


tooled said...

doood that tub piece is awesome! and as for using ink... i wish you luck, ink and I don't mix unless it's coming from the end of a pen.


Daniel said...

Awesome work my lord ! Hope you'll have fun at illuxcon :]

C.R. MacTernan said...

Awesome Skittles. ;D I didn't see that beast guy yet. Looking great so far. I think the brushstrokes look friggin' great dude.